jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

My favorite animal

Today I want to talking about my favorite animal: the orangutans.

Orangutans are from Malasia and Indonesia.
In Malasia, the name "orangutan" meaning "person of the forest"
Only found in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra and spend most of their time in trees.

Orangutans have long arms and reddish hair. They can measure two meters. This apes feed of fruits, fungus and tree leaves. They build nests specialized for both day or night use and sleeps ten hours or more during the day. They are among the most intelligent primates and the least aggressive apes , being friendly animals. Orangutans live a more solitary lifestyle than the other great apes.

One of my dreams is work in investigations about primates and help in centers of rescue (the orangutans are endangered), but this is very difficult because I live in Chile and there are not primates :(.

martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Cellphones :)

In this post I want to talking about my favorite technology device.
This is the cellphone. A cellphone is... well, everyone have one! The basic function is realize calls and send sms. Every year new updates are incorporated to cellphones. Nowadays you can watch videos, access to internet, read documents, take pictures and a lot of things.
I choose this object because I never go out without my cellphone. I use it for call my friends, read e-mails and power points (is very useful if you study), listen music or play games of zombies :).
If I forget my cellphone in home, I feel offline.
But I hate when the people is all day, everyday with the cellphone in the hands. I feel so sad when I speak with a friend and he/she don't look when we talk :(.
Anyway I always prefer read a book.

What is your favorite technology device? What is your opinion about cellphones? 

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

In this post I want to talk about the activities that I do
This year I started my new career with a lot of enthusiasm. I have subjects like zoology, and I like them! The lab is so funny. In the last class I opened a parasite, now I don't wanna eat noodles nevermore.

The last year I did activities like circus and swimming. This items help me to reduce the stress.
At present I don't do sports, but I miss them. I think that I should do this because my belly is growing :).
I love artistic activities like theater, dance or circus.
I hope found a extracurricular activitie in the university for me, I feel lazy.

However I'm the delegate of my class and I hope to I could help them.