jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

That's all Folks

Hi friends! I'm so tired, I have many exams during the week, but I'm here again. This is a very special post, because is the last :(. So, I want to tell you how was my experience using blogger.com. Few years ago I had a blog too, but I wrote about news, music or books. I don't like talk about me, and write in other language made it harder. However, was a nice experience, I could read a lot of funny stories of my classmates and know them better. I don't know if my writing skills have improvements, I feel that I write as in the beginning, only my teacher knows, I hope to get a good grade hahaha, but now I know new words. In the English class I would like include more activities in the future, like karaoke (in secondary I had this activitie, was very funny) or speech practice, (sometimes I speak English like the "openenglish.com" publicity hahaha"). I would write about "Festivities" (I love Christmas), "Do you think that exist life in another planet?" or "What do you do if this is your last day?"
I hope that you had fun reading my crazy things.

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015


Hi friends! This is a beautiful night, but is so cold to get outside. So I wanna write. The theme of this week is my favorite food.

Who does not like fries? Everybody has eaten fries. French fries are batons of deep-fried potato, you can add salt and seasonings like mayonnaise, ketchup or mustard (I prefer the mayo). This food are served hot and generally eaten as part of lunch or dinner. Also you can eat it as a snack. 


The second thing that I love eat is the russian salad! This salad have peas, corn, cooked potatoes, eggs, carrots and mayonnaise. The first time that I ate it, my dad was the chef :). Many times I ask my dad to prepare it.

All meals must be acompannied with something to drink. I prefer drink juice. My favorite is strawberry juice! (my favorite fruit is strawberry too) its delicious!

I try to avoid the meat, so I eat many vegetables, fruit and legumes (and fries hahaha)

What is your favorite food? How often do you eat it?
I thing that I will get up of the bed and I will visit the refrigerator, talk about my favorite food makes me feel hungry

Good night!