jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

That's all Folks

Hi friends! I'm so tired, I have many exams during the week, but I'm here again. This is a very special post, because is the last :(. So, I want to tell you how was my experience using blogger.com. Few years ago I had a blog too, but I wrote about news, music or books. I don't like talk about me, and write in other language made it harder. However, was a nice experience, I could read a lot of funny stories of my classmates and know them better. I don't know if my writing skills have improvements, I feel that I write as in the beginning, only my teacher knows, I hope to get a good grade hahaha, but now I know new words. In the English class I would like include more activities in the future, like karaoke (in secondary I had this activitie, was very funny) or speech practice, (sometimes I speak English like the "openenglish.com" publicity hahaha"). I would write about "Festivities" (I love Christmas), "Do you think that exist life in another planet?" or "What do you do if this is your last day?"
I hope that you had fun reading my crazy things.

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015


Hi friends! This is a beautiful night, but is so cold to get outside. So I wanna write. The theme of this week is my favorite food.

Who does not like fries? Everybody has eaten fries. French fries are batons of deep-fried potato, you can add salt and seasonings like mayonnaise, ketchup or mustard (I prefer the mayo). This food are served hot and generally eaten as part of lunch or dinner. Also you can eat it as a snack. 


The second thing that I love eat is the russian salad! This salad have peas, corn, cooked potatoes, eggs, carrots and mayonnaise. The first time that I ate it, my dad was the chef :). Many times I ask my dad to prepare it.

All meals must be acompannied with something to drink. I prefer drink juice. My favorite is strawberry juice! (my favorite fruit is strawberry too) its delicious!

I try to avoid the meat, so I eat many vegetables, fruit and legumes (and fries hahaha)

What is your favorite food? How often do you eat it?
I thing that I will get up of the bed and I will visit the refrigerator, talk about my favorite food makes me feel hungry

Good night!

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

My favorite book

Hello friends! today I will talk about my favorite book.

Choose just one book was a difficult decision because I love reading.
Well... the book that makes me feel scaried (so scaried), makes me cry and laugh was "Pet Sematary".

Pet Sematary is a 1983 horror novel by Stephen King. In few words, the plot start when Louis Creed and his family (his wife Rachel, his daughter Ellie, his son Gage and Ellie's cat: Church) moves to a house in front of a dangerous highway. A path beside the house leads to a pet cemetery. This old cemetery have special powers. All the people and the pets that was buried here comes alive.

One night, while I was reading (so concentrated) a cat meow scaried me so much, I feel that Church outside the book *laugh*.

The book I liked so much that I obligated to my boyfriend that read it :).
The band Ramones have a videoclip inspirated in this book. Here is the link of the song. Enjoy it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3J0iwwsq-w

What is your favorite book? Have you ever read a horror novel?

domingo, 26 de julio de 2015

Javiera, a famous writer

Hi! this night (yes, a nocturnal post :D) I will talk about the fame, specifically what I do if I was a famous person. Have you ever asked this question?
Well... Actually I don't like the fame, The privacy is very important to me, So, I think that I wouldn't be a celebrity of TV. However, I would like to be known for a talent, like write, because I love reading. So I find it funny (reverse roles and be the writer).
My life as a novelist would be peaceful, away from the cameras and appearing in public to sign books. 
I would write horror novels or detective stories and have much money. My husband would be handsome like Brad Pitt, strong like Chuck Norris and intelligent like Stephen Hawking *laugh*. We would have 2 kids and a house in the forest.I would use a percentage of my money to help many organizations

What would do you do?
Stephen King is an american horror novelist, author of books such as Carrie, It, The Green Mile, The Shining, among others. He is my favorite author :)

jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

Jane :)

Hello everyone! today I will talk about a person that I admire. Her name is Jane Goodall. She is an English primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist and UN Messenger of Peace. The reason for what I admire Jane is everything! the big dream of my life like veterinarian is to be an ethologist of primates (I thing I've said this many times haha). Jane is considered the most famous expert of chimpanzees in the world because she was the first person to discovered that the chimpanzees are social and very intelligent animals! (for example, she saw a chimpanzee that cut a bough and introduce it into a tree for eat termites). She has received many awards for protect the animals and fight for the preservation of nature.
So, if you want to know more about her job or donate money for help to save primates, you can enter to the next link for more information
For finish I say goodbye with a quote:
"Every individual matters
Every individual has a role to play
Every individual makes a difference"

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

A photograph I like

Hello! in this post I will talk about my favorite photograph. But I can't choose just one, so I choose two :).
I took both, but in diferents nights.

The first photograph was taken in my home 3 years ago. It was my first photo of the moon taken with my Christmas gift (a camera). I liked so much, so since then I always look at the sky in the night with my camera searching a pic of the moon.

The second photo was taken 2 years ago in a park after a concert of chilean music. I was walking with my ex-boyfriend when I say "stop! look at the moon, it's beautiful tonight. Can I hurry up to your shoulders and take a photo?" so I did it, like a monkey, but I think that this is a good photo.

Also I like take pictures of animals, but I'm hungry :(. I will show you more photographs in another post.
Tell me, what is your favorite photograph?


jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

My favorite animal

Today I want to talking about my favorite animal: the orangutans.

Orangutans are from Malasia and Indonesia.
In Malasia, the name "orangutan" meaning "person of the forest"
Only found in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra and spend most of their time in trees.

Orangutans have long arms and reddish hair. They can measure two meters. This apes feed of fruits, fungus and tree leaves. They build nests specialized for both day or night use and sleeps ten hours or more during the day. They are among the most intelligent primates and the least aggressive apes , being friendly animals. Orangutans live a more solitary lifestyle than the other great apes.

One of my dreams is work in investigations about primates and help in centers of rescue (the orangutans are endangered), but this is very difficult because I live in Chile and there are not primates :(.

martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Cellphones :)

In this post I want to talking about my favorite technology device.
This is the cellphone. A cellphone is... well, everyone have one! The basic function is realize calls and send sms. Every year new updates are incorporated to cellphones. Nowadays you can watch videos, access to internet, read documents, take pictures and a lot of things.
I choose this object because I never go out without my cellphone. I use it for call my friends, read e-mails and power points (is very useful if you study), listen music or play games of zombies :).
If I forget my cellphone in home, I feel offline.
But I hate when the people is all day, everyday with the cellphone in the hands. I feel so sad when I speak with a friend and he/she don't look when we talk :(.
Anyway I always prefer read a book.

What is your favorite technology device? What is your opinion about cellphones? 

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

In this post I want to talk about the activities that I do
This year I started my new career with a lot of enthusiasm. I have subjects like zoology, and I like them! The lab is so funny. In the last class I opened a parasite, now I don't wanna eat noodles nevermore.

The last year I did activities like circus and swimming. This items help me to reduce the stress.
At present I don't do sports, but I miss them. I think that I should do this because my belly is growing :).
I love artistic activities like theater, dance or circus.
I hope found a extracurricular activitie in the university for me, I feel lazy.

However I'm the delegate of my class and I hope to I could help them.

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

My life

My first birthday
Hi blogger friends! my name is Javiera and this is a little piece of my life.

I was born in 1995 in Valdivia, a city located in the south of Chile because my grandma lived here. But when I  was a baby my parents traveled with me to Santiago, where I live at present.

I studied in a school calls "Santa María de Maipú" during 12 years. Also I participated in a studies program calls "PENTA UC". Here I learned a lot of interesting things and I met great friends.

With a starfish

In 2014 I entered in the Pontificial University Catholic of Chile to study Marine Biology. But I love all animals, so I left the career and at present I study Veterinary Medicine in University of Chile. I love my new career! :)    
Allison and me

My family is small. I live with my parents (Susana and Francisco), my little sister (Allison) and my turtle, Donatello :)

I like read mystery and horror books. My favorite writer is Stephen King.
I listen rock music. My favorite band is 30 Seconds to Mars.

So... this is all for the first post.